Friday, July 15, 2016

MSCTRIGS: Collections Triggers Error

Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Version : 12.2

Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

MSCTRIGS: Collections Triggers

Current system time is 16-JUL-2016 10:15:06


**Starts**16-JUL-2016 10:15:06
**Ends**16-JUL-2016 10:26:36
Error in creating Source Triggers
Start of log messages from FND_FILE
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452875 :Creates Item Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452876 :Creates BOM Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452877 :Creates Routing Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452878 :Creates WIP Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452879 :Creates Demand Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452880 :Creates Supply Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452881 :Creates Other Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : Request : 7452882 :Creates Repair Order Triggers used by Collections Process
16-JUL 10:15:06 : select NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MSC_ASCP_IGNORE_CMRO_EAM_WO'),1) from dual
16-JUL 10:15:06 : select NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MSC_ASCP_IGNORE_CMRO_EAM_WO'),1) from dual
End of log messages from FND_FILE

No completion options were requested.

Output file size:

Output is not being printed because:
The print option has been disabled for this report.

Concurrent request completed
Current system time is 16-JUL-2016 10:26:36



To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Go into the responsibility: system administrator

2. Navigate to concurrent - manager - define

3. query for standard manager, click on workshifts and increase processes to 15

4. Retest the issue.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Demantra tables

a) Staging Tables

select * from t_src_item_tmpl;

select * from t_src_sales_tmpl;

select  * from t_src_loc_tmpl;

b) Patch

select * from version_details_history;

c) Base tables

select * from sales_data;--sales order historical data

select * from mdp_matrix;--combination data

select * from inputs;--time buckets

select * from queries;--worksheets

select * from items;--items

select * from location;--locations

d) Workflow

select * from wf_schemas;

select * from wf_process_log;

e) Integration interface

select * from transfer_query;

Demantra 12.2.5 Installation on windows


   1) JDK 1.7 or 1.8
   2) Oracle client  11g higher or 12c installed on your server
   3) Make sure have 'SYS' credentials for installation.

Note: Demantra 12.2.5 best compatible with Windows 7. 

  1) Install Demantra version -  Patch 21951481 
  2)  Install mandatory patches
        a) 23088083
        b) 22254051
        c) 23016941

Note  : Follow note Installing Demantra Screen Shot - Step by Step (Doc ID 2069281.1)

Demantra JVM installation issue

In the process of installing demantra 12.2.5,ran setup.exe as administrator but the system shows error.

or Error: Could not create the Java virtual machine


To fix  this, set up _JAVA_OPTIONS from : Windows > go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced >  Click Environment Variables > in the System Variables section,click New > enter "_JAVA_OPTIONS" as the Variable Name, and set its  value to -Xmx512M > OK


Run the install.exe file from D:\p21951481_122510_WINNT\Disk1\InstData\VM.

Installation will be done.Make sure u have setup the java_home in environment variable with value as the patch of JDK installed or else the server will not be up and application does not work.

or Run the setup.exe from command prompt.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Demantra Installation issue

Demantra Installation Importing Issue IMP-00058: ORACLE error 1950 encountered, ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace( Doc ID 2094007.1)

Demantra installation issue
Install Demantra (patch 21951481) we are getting error:
IMP-00058: ORACLE error 1950 encountered
ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'DEV'
That implies, do not have access to Apps table space even though another demantra tablespace in the installation screen for standalone databases is working normal and was able to finish the installation.


From internal Bug 12624910

The problem is new feature introduced in 11.2 database version.
The workaround is to run the following:


This causes the import to work properly.

Please review this Note, which has more information on DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION parameter:
11.2 Database New Feature Deferred Segment Creation [Video] (Doc ID 887962.1)

Same issue occurred for 12c database also and this above solution has resolved. Can be applied for 12c Database as well.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Steps For The Collaboration Team Enter The Scores On Negotiation

A. How to define a scoring team:

Scoring teams are groups of personnel who collectively evaluate a particular aspect of a negotiation 

based on their area of knowledge or expertise. Once the scoring teams have evaluated a negotiation 

line's responses, they provide a score value. 

This score is combined with scores from any other scoring teams and used along with the  price to 

determine the winner of that negotiation line.

All scoring team members must be defined to the Collaboration Team for that negotiation.

1. On the Create: negotiation page, define the member to the Collaboration Team.
Give them either Full or Score access.

2. In the Requirements area of the page, click Select Scoring Settings.

3. Click Enable Team Scoring, if it is not already selected.

4. Click Add Another Row.

5. Give the team a name. You can optionally enter instructions to the team members.

6. If you deselect the Price Visibility checkbox, members of the team will not be able to   view the 

pricing information offered by the supplier on the line. (The Price  Visibility option can be changed 

any time before the award is completed.)

7. Click the pencil icon to add members to the team.

8. On the Scoring Team page, click Add Another Row.

9. Open the Name menu. The menu lists all members of the Collaboration Team who  have either 

Full or Score access.

10. Select the member to add to the team.

11. Continue adding members to your scoring team until all appropriate members have   been added. 

Note that the same member can appear on more than one team.

12. Click Apply.

 B. How to assign a scoring team to a Requirements.

1. When you are returned to the Select Scoring Settings page, the Section column in  the Section 

Assignment area lists all Requirement sections defined for the  negotiation. Click the Team 

Assignment menu.

2. Select the appropriate scoring team and associate it with its Requirements section.

3. Click Apply.

C. How to score responses to a negotiation's Requirements.

If team scoring has been enabled for a negotiation, you must be a member of a scoring team to enter 

scores.  If team scoring is not enabled, you must be a negotiation editor (either the negotiation 

creator or a Collaboration Team member with Full access) to enter scores. 

If the scoring method for the Requirement is None or Automatic you do not enter scores (for 

Automatic scoring, the system assigns a score to the response based on the acceptable values defined

 by the negotiation creator).

NOTE: The negotiation must be closed before entering scores.

D. How to enter scores:

1. From the negotiation home page, access the negotiation for which you wish to enter scores.

2. Select Enter Scores from the Actions menu.

3. On the Enter Scores by Bid page, click the pencil icon in the Enter Scores column  for the response
 whose Requirements you wish to score.

4. On the Enter Scores page, view the Requirement and its response and enter a value  in the Score 
column. Note that you can not enter a value higher than the maximum  score the negotiation creator 
defined for that Requirement. 

     You may optionally enter an internal note.

5. Click Submit Score.

6. Continue scoring subsequent responses.

 E. How are the response's score calculated?

There are two ways Requirement can be assigned a score.

• Manually - a member (or members) of a scoring team enters a score value for all the  Requirements
 that are included in the Requirement section the negotiation creator  assign to their scoring team.

• Automatically - the system assigns a score based on the acceptable values defined  by the negotiation

When multiple members of a scoring team score a response, the system uses the individual team member
s' values to calculate the average score for that Requirement. The system then uses the weight for the 
Requirement  to calculate the weighted score for that Requirement.

Participants can respond to Requirements defined with a scoring method of None. But evaluators are not 
able to enter scores for those responses.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Key Tables in Inventory

a) Items
Select * from mtl_system_items_b;

b) Categories
Select * from mtl_categories_b;

select * from mtl_item_templates;

Select * from mtl_onhand_quantities;

e) Transactions
select * from mtl_material_transactions;

f) Material transaction interface
select * from mtl_transactions_interface;

g)Pending transactions
select * from mtl_material_transactions_temp;

h) Item Costs
select * from cst_item_costs;

Key tables in Order Management and Shipping Execution

a) Header
select * from oe_order_headers_all;

b) Lines
select * from oe_order_lines_all;

c) Delivery Details
select * from wsh_delivery_details;

d) Deliveries
select * from wsh_delivery_assignments

Key tables in Purchasing

a) Header
select * from po_headers_all

b) Lines
select * from po_lines_all;

c) Shipment
select * from po_line_locations_all;

d) Distributions
select * from po_distributions_all;

e)Account Expense Rules


12.2.4 Subscription contract

Subscription contract been created from OM with mapping it's new attributes in R12.2 

iProcurement Categories in Catalog Schema.

The types of categories in the catalog that define the catalog's hierarchy are:

Purchasing Item categories: Every item in the catalog must belong to a Purchasing Item category. Purchasing Item categories are recognized by many integrating Oracle Applications in addition to Oracle iProcurement. The association of Purchasing Item categories with catalog items enables a wide range of functionality in Oracle Applications.

Shopping categories: Used to group similar items for presentation to the iProcurement user. Shopping categories generally have names that are more shopper friendly than Purchasing Item categories, and are displayed prominently in many iProcurement pages to help requesters find what
they are shopping for.

Shopping categories are not mandatory for all items in the catalog, but they are highly recommended for items that are intended for iProcurement requesters. Shopping categories are found at the lowest level of the category hierarchy; therefore a shopping category can never be a parent category to a child category.

Browsing categories, also known as navigation categories (or master or intermediate level categories), define the category hierarchy. The category hierarchy helps requesters browse for catalog items Browsing categories can be either a parent or child to another category, but cannot contain any items.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Uninstalling Demantra

The Demantra software is not listed in the Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs utility. If you plan to reinstall Demantra, you can overwrite your current install.
You can either use a freeware application that can detect and uninstall the Demantra program, or you can do the following to manually remove Demantra from your system:
  1. Make sure that none of the Oracle Demantra software is running, including all background items such as the Analytical Engine.
  2. Remove Oracle software from the system Path variable so shown below.
    • On the Windows Start menu, click Settings > Control Panel > System.
    • Click System.
    • Select the Advanced tab.
    • Click Environment Variables.
    • In the System Variables section, click Path and then click Edit.
    • Carefully remove any Oracle Demantra additions to this variable, leaving other parts unchanged.
  3. Manually delete the Oracle Demantra files from the machine.
  4. In the registry(regedit.exe), search for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software key for Demantra and delete it.
  5. Log in to the database as the database administrator and delete the Oracle Demantra database user.
  6. Delete any Demantra shortcuts from the desktop or program groups.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Oracle Approvals Management (AME)

                                                             AME for Requisitions


a) Profile Option

Set up profile option for Application = Purchasing and Profile = AME:Installed.

b) Assign Approval Transaction Type

Purchasing Super User > Setups > Purchasing > Document Types

Assign Approval Transaction Type to ‘PURCHASE_REQ/INTERNAL_REQ’.

Approval transaction type is given a value, then Requisition will use AME for
For Purchase Requisition, the value is “PURCHASE_REQ”
For Internal Requisition, the value is “INTERNAL_REQ”
These are seeded values defined in the table “ame_calling_apps”.
If Approval transaction type is Blank, AME will not be used for approvals.

c) Assign AME access to users

Assign AME Roles and Responsibilities

AME responsibilities in 11i.AME.A are assigned directly to the users. However, In R12 or 11i.AME.B and higher, AME responsibilities are assigned indirectly to users through roles. The roles are assigned to the users by the SYSADMIN user using the User Management responsibility. Once the roles are assigned, the AME responsibilities are automatically available to the users without specifically assigning the AME responsibilities to the users. Here are steps to assign the roles:

1. Login as System Administrator user
2. Select the responsibility "User Management". (NOTE: User Management data is stored in the UMX schema)
3. Select "Users" menu option
4. Search for the user to whom you wish to grant AME roles
5. In the results table, click on update icon
6. In the update user page, user details can be seen along with a list of roles available to user.
Click on "Assign Roles"
7. Search for Approval% and Select roles from the resulting LOV. Choose the roles that are applicable (proper authority) for the user, and click the Select button.
8. Specify justification and relevant dates for the newly assigned roles, and click Apply to assign the roles to the user.

d) Grant Transaction Type Access to Users

AME restricts access to transaction types using Data Security.  Grant users access to the transaction types using the Grants page. Set up user access as follows:

1. Navigate to the Personal Home Page.

2. Select Functional Administrator Responsibility

3. From the Grants page, press on the Create Grant button

4. Create a grant with the following information:
  • Name <specify a descriptive name> 
  • Grantee Type = Specific User
  • Grantee = <The user who desires AME access>
  • Object = AME Transaction Types
5. Click Next and select the Object Data Context
  • Data Context Type = All Rows
6. Click Next to define the object parameters and Select Set
  • Set = AME Calling Applications
7. Click Next. Review the changes and then Finish the process.

e) Review and Modify AME Setup

AME is designed to provide approval logic for many transaction types. Transaction types used for Purchasing include: Purchase Requisition Approval, Internal Requisition Approval, Requester Change Order Approval and Purchase Order Approval. 
1. Navigate to the Approvals Management Business Analyst, Standard responsibility
2. Choose the Business Analyst Dashboard menu from the responsibility
3. Use the Transaction Type LOV to search and select the transaction type
4. Use the links on the right in the Approval Process Setup region to set the components (Attributes, Conditions, Action Types, Approver Groups) and rules, or to use the test workbench in AME.

1. Action Types

1. An action type is a collection of actions having similar functionality. Every action belongs to an action type. Action types are enabled or disabled for a particular transaction type. AME may give an error when attempting to enable an action type for a transaction if the transaction is not designed to allow that action type.
2. To disable or enable action types for the transaction, select the Action Types link
3. The Action Types page shows the action types that are currently enabled for the transaction type. Use the Previous and Next links to scroll through the list of enabled action types. Select the Use Existing Action Type button to see other pre-defined action types available in AME. Some of these may or may not be applicable to the currently select transaction type; AME will give an error if the user tries to add a non-relevant action type for the selected transaction type.
4. If you are going to use Employee/Supervisor, assign a level (approval authority) to the jobs. Navigate to HR responsibility -> Work Structures -> Job -> Description - to assign a Level (Approval Authority) to a Job.  Query up the Job and enter the appropriate Job Level in the Approval Authority field.
5. In AME, select any or all of the following Action Types for JOB BASED approvals if applicable for your business requirements:
  • absolute job level / chains of authority based on absolute job level
  • final approver only / chains of authority containing only the final job-level approver
  • manager then final approver / chain of authority includes requestor's manager and then the final approver
  • relative job level / chains of authority based on relative job level
  • supervisory level / chains of authority based on number of supervisory levels
6. In AME, select any or all of the following Action types for APPROVER GROUP approvals if applicable for your business requirements:
  • post-chain-of-authority approvals / group approvals after the chain of authority
  • pre-chain-of-authority approvals / group approvals before the chain of authority
  • approval-group chain of authority / chain of authority includes an approval group
7. In AME, select any of all of the following Action types for POSITION BASED approvals (Only in R12 and higher) if applicable for your business requirements
  • hr position / chains of authority based on a particular HR position
  • hr position level / chains of authority based on HR positions

2. Attributes

1. Attributes are the base element for an AME Rule. Attribute values are retrieved from the Oracle E-Business Suite Applications database or derived from values in the database. AME is seeded with attributes relevant to the transaction type, and the user can create new attributes in AME for use in AME rules.
2. Select the Attributes link to view or add attributes for the selected transaction type
3. Use the Previous and Next links to scroll through the existing attributes. Some of the attributes include ITEM_CATEGORY, ITEM_NUMBER as well as other attributes. When AME approvals is enabled, these values get populated for the purchasing document, and AME uses this information to determine the appropriate AME rule(s) to use.
4. In addition to the seeded attributes, a customized attribute can be created. SRI_CATEGORY_SEGMENT is an example of this. This attribute uses a query to capture SEGMENT1 of the Item Category flexfield. The Item Category flexfield may be setup to use one or more segments; this customized AME attribute captures only SEGMENT1 of the flexfield. This allows the users to setup conditions and rules that are dependent on a certain value in SEGMENT1 of the ITEM Category used on the requisition. NOTE: The new attribute SRI_CATEGORY_SEGMENT1 uses the same sql query as the seeded ITEM_CATEGORY AME attribute, except it selects mck.segment1 rather than mck.concatenated_segments.

3. Conditions

1. Conditions identify values and value ranges for some or all of the attributes available. AME rules refer to these conditions to determine if a particular rule is applicable for the specific document being approved. For example, an AME rule can be setup to require certain approvers if $0 USD <= requisition total < $1000 USD. Since REQUISITION_TOTAL is a seeded attribute, the user can define a condition $0 USD <= requisition total < $1000 USD, and then use this condition in a rule to require certain approvers for the requisition. The rule cannot refer to this condition until it is defined in AME Conditions for the Purchase Requisition Approval transaction type.
2. Select the Conditions link from the AME Business Analyst Dashboard after specifying the transaction type.  Selecting the Conditions link will display the existing conditions defined for the transaction type, and also allow the user to create new conditions for the transaction.
3. Click the Create button to create a new condition
4. To define the new condition, specify whether the condition is ordinary, or an exception condition (which can only be used in an exception rule). Use the Attribute LOV to choose the attribute on which the condition is based. The condition will specify a value or range of values for the attribute, so the attribute must be selected before the value(s) can be defined.
5. Define the allowed value or value range for the selected attribute. Click Apply to complete the condition definition.

4. Approver Groups

1. Approver Groups are optional. Setup Approver Groups if additional approvers are required for particular conditions, or to specify a dynamic sql query for additional approvers. The rules defined for the transaction can be based on Approver Groups, Jobs defined in HR setup, or Positions defined in HR setup (only in R12); the rules may also use a combination of Job, Position, and Approver Group basis.
2. Select the Approver Groups link from the AME Business Analyst Dashboard.
3. View and edit existing approver groups, or Click the Create button to create a new approver group.
4. When creating the approval group specify all the mandatory values.
a. Give a name and description to the approval group.
b. Specify an order number (order number of this approver group relative to other approver groups).
c. Choose a voting regime, only Serial is supported for Purchase Requisition Approval in 11.5.10 and 11.5.9. R12 does allow other voting regimes that use parallel routing.
d. Choose Static if approvers will be selected when defining the approval group, or choose Dynamic if a sql query is used to dynamically find the approvers for this approver group when the approval transaction is being processed.
e. Click the Add Another Row button to add approvers to the approval group now.
f. Click Apply to save the approver group
5. The approval group members can be added as additional approvers to the normal chain of command approvers generated by AME.

5. Rules

1. Define rules to specify approvers that should be included in the approval list under specific conditions for the approval transaction.
2. Select the Rules link from the AME Dashboard after selecting the transaction type
3. Review the list of existing rules already defined for the transaction
4. Select the Create button to create a new rule for the transaction. (Optionally, if there already exists a similar rule choose the Duplicate icon or the Use Existing Rule button).
a. Specify a name for the new rule and choose the rule type and effective dates.  Rule types are explained in the AME online help pages along with examples. The most common types are List Creation, Pre List Approver Group and Post List Approver Group. (NOTE: Some rule types may not be available if the corresponding action types have not been assigned to the transaction type. Use the Action Types feature to add or remove action types for the transaction)
b. Specify one or more conditions that activate the rule. The Conditions are defined in the AME Setup, and they may be seeded conditions or user defined conditions.
c. Choose the Action Type and then choose a specific action. The list of actions available is dependent on the Action Type selected. The actions are related to Jobs, Positions (in R12), or Approver Groups. (Action Types are discussed previously in this whitepaper)
d. Review the rule details and click Finish to complete the rule setup, or click Back to make changes.

6. Test Workbench

Use the Test Workbench to determine which AME Rule(s) apply to a specific document, or to determine which AME Rule(s) apply for an adhoc combination of values specified at the time of the test. Select the Test Workbench link from the AME Dashboard
1. Specific Requisition test
a. Click the Run Real Transaction Test button.
b. Specify the value of REQUISITION_HEADER_ID from PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL as the Transaction Id value. Click Go to see the AME rules that apply to the requisition.
c. Adjust the rules setup to cause rules to be called differently based on the business requirements.
2. Specific Purchase Order test
a. Click the Run Real Transaction Test button.
b. Specify the value of AME_APPROVAL_ID from PO_HEADERS_ALL as the Transaction Id value. Click Go to see the AME rules that apply to the purchase order.
c. Adjust the rules setup to cause rules to be called differently based on the business requirements.

3. Adhoc test
a. Click the Create button on the Test Workbench page
b. Specify Name and Description for the test, and specify values for pertinent attributes (e.g. Requisition Total = $100 USD)
c. Click the Run Test Case button to see the applicable AME rules, and the resulting AME approval list that will be built based on the conditions specified for the attributes.

Test the Functionality

1. Create a requisition or purchase order and verify that the Approval List is built per the AME rules based on the conditions present on the attributes.

View the AME Setup

1. Click the Setup Report link in the Quick Links section of the Dashboard
2. Select the appropriate transaction type (Example: Purchase Requisition Approval) and click Go.
3. Click the Printable Page button to view the complete setup for the selected transaction type (Attributes, Conditions, Rules, Approval Groups, and etc.)
4. Compare the AME setup to the requisition attributes and approval list generated for a specific requisition, or compare the AME setup to the business requirements.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Multi Organization Structure in R12

Multi-Org in simple term means the implementation of multiple business units (or Organization) under a single installation of Oracle Applications. The concept of Multi-Org will manage the operations of an enterprise which has got subsidiaries across globe under a single oracle apps window, taking appropriate care of data security and data maintenance. Below are some of the features of multiple organization functionality.

Any number of Business Units in an Enterprise can be supported within a single installation of Oracle Application.User can access the data corresponding to and limited to the operating unit
Reporting can be managed at different organization levels like, Business Group, Ledger, Operating unit etc.

Transactions like Procurement, Receiving, Selling, Shipping Etc. with the same Party Can be Performed through Different Organization and can be managed internally through inter company postings

Organization model serves as the cornerstone for all of the Oracle Applications products. It dictates how transactions flow through different organizations and how those organizations interact with each other.Generally, a complex enterprise has several organization structures, such as Internal, Accounting, and Human Resources. You are able to define different structures to customize Oracle Applications according to your business needs.

Business Group

The business group represents the highest level in the organization structure, such as
the consolidated enterprise, a major division, or an operation company. The business
group secures human resources information. For example, when you request a list of
employees, you see all employees assigned to the business group of which your
organization is a part.

Note: This is true in all applications except the HR applications, which support more granular security by a lower-level organization unit, the security profile.

Multiple ledgers can share the same business group if they share the same business
group attributes, including HR flexfield structures.

Legal Entity

A legal company for which you prepare fiscal or tax reports. You assign tax identifiers
and other legal entity information to this type of organization.


A general ledger is a complete record of financial transactions over the life of a company. The ledger holds account information that is needed to prepare financial statements, and includes accounts for assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenues and expenses.

It is a collection of 4C.

a) Currency b) Calender c) Chart of Accounts d)  Convention (Subledger Accounting)

Operating Unit

An organization that uses Oracle subledgers, such as Oracle Cash Management, Order
Management and Shipping Execution, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle
Receivables, and related products. It may be a sales office, a division, or a department.
Operating units are not associated with legal entities. Operating units are assigned to
ledgers and a default legal context. Information is secured by operating unit for these
applications using responsibilities.

Each user can access, process, and report on data
only for the operating units assigned to the MO: Operating Unit or MO: Security Profile
profile option. The MO: Operating Unit profile option only provides access to one
operating unit. The MO: Security Profile provides access to multiple operating units
from a single responsibility.

Inventory Organization

An organization for which you track inventory transactions and balances, and/or an
organization that manufactures or distributes products. Examples include (but are not
limited to) manufacturing plants, warehouses, distribution centers, and sales offices.

The following applications secure information by inventory organization: Oracle
Inventory, Bills of Material, Engineering, Work in Process, Master Scheduling/MRP,
Capacity, and Purchasing receiving functions. To run any of these applications, you
must choose an organization that has been classified as an inventory organization.

HR Organization

HR organizations represent the basic work structure of any enterprise. They usually
represent the functional management, or reporting groups that exist within a business
group. In addition to these internal organizations, you can define other organizations
for tax and government reporting purposes, or for third party payments.