Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lot Split & Merge

Lot Split & Merge

1) How are lot split and lot merge and lot and serial genealogy supported in inventory organizations?

     Lot split and merge and are supported in Oracle Inventory and Oracle Warehouse Management organizations and they are available only when Oracle Warehouse Management is installed. Lot and serial genealogy are supported in both Inventory and Oracle Warehouse Management organizations. 

2) How do you perform a manual split and an autosplit?

    You can perform a manual split and autosplit in the same window. To perform an autosplit, in the start page, enter the Num Lot field or Ea Lot Qty field, then the <Auto Split> button appears. Select <Auto Split>. On the next page, the system generates the resulting lots and calculates the resulting quantity automatically. When you perform an autosplit, you cannot change the resulting quantity for each resulting lot and the starting lot must split into at least two resulting lots.

To perform a manual split, from, the Start page, skip the NUM Lots and Ea Lot Qty fields, and select <Save / Result>. The Result page opens. In the Result page, you generate the lot and enter the result request manually. You can split the lot in to another lot with manual splitting.

3) When should full lot splits be used, and when should partial lot splits be used?

    The ability to split lots into new lots allows for more exact inventory tracking by lot attributes. If some key lot attributes for a quantity within a lot no longer match the attributes of the rest of the lot, then that portion of the lot should be split into a new lot. In this example, should you have a partial quantity lot split, or a full quantity lot split?

Proposed solution: In this situation you should perform a partial quantity lot split. This places the quantity that has different lot attributes into a new lot. The quantity that still has the same lot attributes remains in the same lot number.

When new lots are created at WIP Completion, the quantity at the parent lot will usually be fully split into the child lot.

4) What cost group is associated with the new lot formed during lot split?

     During lot split, the cost group of the parent low is assigned to the new lot.

5) What lot attributes are carried over to the resulting lot when two lots are merged?

    When two lots are merged the resulting lot takes the attributes from the lot that has the higher quantity. When two lots of the same quantity are merged, the lot attributes of the first parent lot are carried over to the resulting lot.

6) Can two lots of different items be merged?

   No, this not currently supported.

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