Transactions - Processing
1. Setting transaction profile options:
TP:INV Transaction Processing Mode profile:
establish the method of transaction processing by choosing one of
the following options:
On-line processing
Processes transactions while you wait and returns control to you
once it finishes.
Returns control immediately to you. With this option, Oracle
Inventory processes transactions on a periodic basis via the
Inventory Transaction Manager.
Immediate concurrent processing
Spawns a concurrent process when you commit the transaction and
returns control immediately to you, allowing you to continue
Form level processing
Processes transactions using the processing control option you
choose for that particular type of transaction. You must also set
the profile options for Cycle Count Approvals, Cycle Count
Entries, Enter Replenishment Count, Inter-Organization Transfer,
Miscellaneous Issue and Receipt,
Receive Customer Return, Return
to Customer, Transfer Between Subinventories, and
Update Average Cost. If you are using Oracle Work-in-Process,
you must set the WIP profile options Completion Material Processing,
Completion Transaction Form, Material Transaction Form,
Move Transaction, Operation Backflush Setup, and Shop Floor
you have many material transactions to process, it is recommended
that you use Concurrent processing or Background processing to save
time you might spend idle while Inventory locks
the transaction window and processes transactions.
2. Launching Transaction Managers:
must start the material cost transaction manager to cost material
transactions. This manager processes costing of all material
do not have to launch the material transaction manager if you decide to process
all your
transactions on-line and do not use the transaction interface.
use of multiple transaction workers enables parallel processing of
transactions. This is especially helpful when processing a large batch
3. Setting control options and restrictions:
can specify whether an item is under lot, serial, or revision control.
control is enabled, you must enter a valid lot number, serial number,
revision number to receive or issue the item
4. Defining Default Subinventories and Locators:
you want your Oracle applications products to default subinventories and
locators during
shipping and receiving transactions, use the Item Transaction Defaults
window to define default
shipping and receiving subinventories and locators for your items. If
you have already defined a
restricted list of subinventories and locators for your item, you must
choose a default subinventory
locator from that list.
Oracle Order Entry displays the default shipping subinventory and
locator when you perform a
shipment transaction where the OE: Reservations system profile option is
set to No.
Oracle Purchasing displays the default receiving subinventory and
locator when you perform a
receipt transaction for the item. You can always override the defaults.
5. Converting Units Of Measure:
you want to perform material transactions in units of measure other than the
primary unit of measure
an item, you must define unit of measure conversions. Oracle Inventory tracks
transaction quantities
your items in both the primary unit of measure and the transaction unit of
6. Defining transaction source types:
transaction source type is the type of entity against which Oracle Inventory
charges a transaction.
Along with a transaction action, it uniquely identifies the type of
transaction you perform.
Oracle Inventory predefines a list of transaction source types for you.
You can add more source
types to this list or update the predefined types, however, you cannot
delete the predefined types.
can add source types for miscellaneous transactions, inter-organization and
transfers, and account transactions.
7. Should Define Transaction Types:
transaction type is the combination of a transaction source type and a
transaction action. It is
to classify a particular transaction for reporting and querying purposes. You
define transaction
source types in the Transaction Source Types window.
8. Defining Account Aliases:
account alias is an easily recognized name or label representing a general
ledger account number.
can view, report, and reserve against an account alias. During a transaction,
you can use the
account alias instead of an account number to refer to the account.
9. Check the periods from Inventory, Purchasing
and General Ledger:
find the periods in the various applications, the navigation paths
Inventory ->
accounting close cycle/inventory accounting periods
Purchasing ->
setup/financials/accounting/control purchasing period
General Ledger ->
setup/financials/accounting/open and close periods
You cannot do transactions in a period that is not open.
10. Transactions errors out if the System Items
Flexfeild has more than ONE structure:
Additional structure is a Non-supported customization. By having more
than one structure
Identified for the system items flexfield errors may occur when doing
transactions. System
Items Flexfield only supports ONE structure.
11. Transactions will fail if there is a value
for the expiration_date in the Segment Values form.
Values are entered in this form when using "Independent"
validation type.
Setup/ Flexfields/ Validation/ Values.
12. Open Transaction Interface supports the
following type of transactions:
� Inventory issues and receipts (including
user-defined transaction types)
With a miscellaneous transaction you can issue material to or receive
material from general
ledger accounts in your current organization
� Subinventory transfers
� Direct inter-organization transfers
� Intransit Shipments
� WIP component issues and returns
� WIP assembly completions and returns
� Sales Order shipments
� Inventory Average Cost Updates
13. The following flexfields must be defined for
transactions to process.
� Account Aliases - MDSP
This key flexfield supports only one structure.
� Item Catalogs - MICG
This key flexfield supports only one structure.
� Item Categories - MCAT
You must design and configure your Item Categories Flexfield before you
can start
defining items since all items must be assigned to categories. You can
define multiple
structures for your Item Categories Flexfield, each structure
corresponding to a
different category grouping scheme. You can then associate these
structures with the
categories and category sets you define.
� Sales Orders - MKTS
The Sales Order Flexfield is a key flexfield used by Oracle Inventory to
identify sales order transactions Oracle
Order Entry interfaces to Oracle Inventory.
Your Sales Order Flexfield should be defined as Order Number, Order
Type, Order Source.
This combination guarantees each transaction to Inventory is unique.
This flexfield must be defined before placing demand or making
reservations in Order Entry.
The profile OE: Source Code should be 'ORDER ENTRY'.
For your value sets, you MUST use Dynamic Inserts and the Validation
Type should be None.
Value Required should be Yes to improve performance of concurrent
programs. The value set
must be alphanumeric. The value set maximum size must be 40.
You should set the Required field to Yes in the Validation Information
region when enabling
the flexfield segments. Setting this field to Yes, improves performance
when updating
existing demand or reservations by guaranteeing that Oracle Order Entry
always supplies a
value. Set Right-justify Zero-fill Numbers to No so sales order numbers
are not padded with
� Stock Locators - MTLL
You can use the Stock Locators Flexfield to capture more information
about stock locators in
inventory. If you do not have Oracle Inventory installed, or none of
your items have locator
control, it is not necessary to set up this flexfield. If you keep track
of specific locators
such as aisle, row, bin indicators for your item, you need to configure
your stock Locators
Flexfield and implement locator control in your organization. This key
flexfield supports
only one structure.
� System Items - MSTK
You can use the System Items Flexfield (also called the Item Flexfield)
for recording and
reporting your item information. You must design and configure your Item
Flexfield before you
can start defining items. All Oracle Applications products that
reference items share the Item
Flexfield and support multiple_segment
inplementations. However, this flexfield supports only
one structure. You must set up your OE:Item Flexfield profile option to
specify the Item
Flexfield structure that you will use for your Oracle applications.
Users can also set up the
OE: Item Flexfield Entry Method profile option to specify your preferred
method of entry for
this field.